February 1, 2024

Alpen Windows Shine in Missouri’s First Passive Home

Close up, upward facing photo of Beacon Hill House

In the heart of Kansas City’s historic Beacon Hill neighborhood stands the Beacon Hill Passive House, a testament to sustainable living and architectural brilliance. Designed by Hoke Ley and crafted by Kala Performance Homes, this remarkable home recently earned the top award for custom homes under 3,000 square feet at the Second Annual DesignKC Magazine Awards and was featured by the Department of Energy. The project included Alpen windows and we are proud to have played a role in Missouri’s first ever passive home.

Alpen’s Commitment to Passive House Innovation

At Alpen, we specialize in meeting the unique demands of Passive House projects throughout North America. Our high-performance windows are manufactured in the U.S., allowing for shorter lead times compared to other Passive House window options and making us a preferred choice among architects and builders.

Passive House design is focused on the incorporation of high performance building materials to ensure  the end result of energy efficient structures that maintain comfortable temperatures with minimal heating or cooling. Alpen is at the forefront of this movement, understanding the vital importance of windows in achieving superinsulation, air-sealing, passive heating, and effective ventilation—fundamental aspects of Passive House design.

In 2013, Alpen High Performance Products became the first U.S. window manufacturer to receive Passive House US (PHIUS) Heating climate zone accreditation. In 2017, we achieved dual certification from both PHIUS and PHI, emphasizing our commitment to the passive house movement and providing high performance windows to the US. Alpen’s collaboration with ThermalBuck in 2017 resulted in a remarkable PHIUS-verified window installation detail.

Close up of Alpen Windows during install

Kala’s Pioneering Role in Sustainable Building

Kala Performance Homes has emerged as a leader in crafting sustainable and energy-efficient residences. Beyond the recognition for the Beacon Hill Passive House, Kala Performance Homes is known for its commitment to creating homes that prioritize comfort, health, durability, and sustainability. The Beacon Hill residence reflects Kala’s dedication to building structures that extend beyond individual lifetimes, leaving a positive legacy for families and communities.

This home is a testament to the successful collaboration between great designers, builders, and high performance building materials, showcasing how innovative window solutions can enhance sustainable living.

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